News and Events

Remembering Rita

Remembering Rita

The one who does not remember history is bound to live through it again.  — George Santayana Fifteen years ago,...

Leaving a Legacy- Celebrating the Life of Dr. Sherwood “Woody” Gagliano

Leaving a Legacy- Celebrating the Life of Dr. Sherwood “Woody” Gagliano


Putting the Coast to Work

Putting the Coast to Work

Four projects are underway or will soon get started to benefit the Bayou Region At a time when jobs for...

Coastal Meetings for the Week of July 13

Coastal Meetings for the Week of July 13

HNC Lock Benefits Bayou Region All Around

HNC Lock Benefits Bayou Region All Around

Canal noun ca·nal /kəˈnal/:  an artificial waterway constructed to allow the passage of boats or ships inland or to convey...

ROR Launches Activity Booklet!

ROR Launches Activity Booklet!

JOIN THE COASTAL FUN! Louisiana has some of the most unique environments to explore, from inland forested swamps to wetlands...

Get a Game Plan Hurricane Preparedness Webinar

Get a Game Plan Hurricane Preparedness Webinar

The Governor’s Office of Emergency Preparedness, in partnership with Restore or Retreat, the Water Institute of the Gulf, Louisiana Sea...

ROR’s Virtual Earth Day Celebration

ROR’s Virtual Earth Day Celebration

Happy Earth Day 2020! Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the world on April 22 to demonstrate support...

ROR’s 2019 Annual Report

ROR’s 2019 Annual Report

No Time to Lose If there is any connection between today’s circumstances with the global pandemic and coastal Louisiana, it...

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